Friday, June 20, 2008


The team traveling to Ghana will be leaving tomorrow from JFK and flying to Accra. This years team is an amazing group.
3 chiropractors Peter Strauss, Mark Howarter, and me (Chad Hawk)
1 chiropractic student Jamie Peeler
1 layperson Jason Petty

Our outreach is increasing daily with emails pouring in from all over Ghana requesting our services in their towns. We are so honored to serve all of these people.

The plan is to update the blog each day. However, with limited internet connection, I don't know how consistant we will be at updating the site. When we do get access, I will make sure to add the previous days entries.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday June 21, 2008

Everyone made it to the airport! What a relief. It was great seeing my dear friend Mark again. We were in Chiropractic school together and have stayed close friends over the past eight years. He and I went to Guatemala together in 2004 on a mission trip. Jamie is the new face to the group. She is a student at Life University in Atlanta and in three more years she will be ready to open her practice. She is taking her quarter break to go to Africa and serve those who have never had exposure to chiropractic care. She’s got guts and a vision for service.

Jason and Peter round out the team. Peter and I have been talking for weeks about this trip. He needs it and wants it. I know he will be a different person when he returns. Jason is taking a BIG leap of faith. He is the only member of the team that is a layperson. He is here to serve. What a purpose. What a goal. Once again, an extraordinary man. God has placed amazing people on this trip. I can’t wait to see what happens in all of us. We will return different people.

Sunday June 22, 2008

We started the day off at Victor’s house in Accra. Victor, Charles and Joe-Baami began their subtle and persuasive way of educating the four “newbies” to Ghana’s customs. It was so much fun to watch and listen to the “old men” share with the group. We were fed lunch and then sent on our way to Koforidua…after adjusting them and a few friends.

In Koforidua, our group was broken up and dispatched to different churches to serve. Peter took the United Methodist Church. Mark and Jamie went to Ascension Presbyterian and Jason and I went to New Creation Baptist and another Methodist church. We each served about 250 people so 750 to 800 were taken care of last night.

Sister Dorothy fed us rice, fried chicken, salad and spicy stew. This was a welcome meal after a day and a half of travel and work with little sleep.

Monday June 23, 2008

What a power packed day!!! We were rockin’. In the morning we saw about 800 to a 1,000 and during lunch we served 1200 children at school in about an hour and a half. It is amazing what you can do when you are purpose driven.

Peter and Paul, a local host who helped me last year, traveled to Akosombo where the nations hydo-electric plant is located. It supplies all of the electric power to the nation. Peter is going to have his hands full. The Deputy Minister of Tourism and a Member of Parliament for Asuogyaman District, Honorable Kofi Osei Ameyaw invited one of us to take care of all of the employees at the plant and adjust the town (pop. 30,000). Can’t wait to hear what it is like for him.

From the mouth of Jamie…
WOW! That pretty much sums it all up. As we entered the village of Koforidua, locals came out in the droves to welcome us. What a welcome. The first day of adjusting was a slow start for myself. I was timid and scared. What should I expect when I learn my first technique on a bus, traveling about 40mph going up a mountain and getting thrown all over the place. So I did a lot of welcoming, and with the help of Joseph, our interpreter, explained what chiropractic care was all about. I met some really awesome kids from the nearby school who came to hang out. One of the kids, Dickson, has been helping me interpret. And taking lots of pictures for us. He is really smart for 11. He came back to help us today also. I think he decided he is going to be Doctor. The second day has been a lot different. I have been able to get my hands wet. The 150 kids that walked into the church this morning forced me to get over any fears I had. It was an amazing feeling. I got “it” now. Well at least 75% of “it”. The people of the village are so great. This morning they came to bring me gifts. Lots of necklaces and a special scarf that they call a keta. I am about to head to the hotel and get some much needed rest. My arms feel like they weigh a ton. And on a side note… The coca-cola is great. No High Fructose corn syrup.

A little something from Dickson,
I will say that they are very friendly and they Love children. They like to talk with anybody that they meet. This is my first time of using a laptop. I like to take picture.
And just today I have just learn how to take a picture from Jason.

The 411 from Jason,

I can hardly explain the feelings that I have from my trip in Ghana so far. The heart of the people is amazing and they have taken us in at every step, greeting us with warm smiles and words. The team has been amazing and I am so grateful for being included with such an amazing group of people. We have already seen the miraculous happen and we have so much more to look forward to. I wish I could relate what my heart is feeling, but it is hard to convey into words. I only know that God will continue to do awesome works and it is plain to see that we will be ministered to as much as we get to minister to others. Your continued prayers are appreciated and I look forward to all that is still in front of us. God Bless all of you. Talk to you soon. By the way, you can refer to me a Kojo. That is my Ghanaian name. Later

From Mark,

What a trip this has been so far! Chad tried to prepare our team for the level of service that we would be providing, but I think even his expectations have been blown out of the water…opportunities and blessings abound around every corner. For me it started on all the plane rides to Ghana when I spoke to many people about our trip. I even found chiropractors for several of them in their hometowns! After much travel though, we literally went straight to work in Koforidua and some of the miraculous healings that we witnessed could only be attributed to God’s healing hand…the lame have walked, the deaf have heard, and the really sick people have gotten well. Thousands have come. Adjusting over 1000 children in a school today was really incredible…all in about an hour and half (during our lunch break)! It was hot and tiring, but such a huge blessing to work with the children. They are beautiful inside and out. All the people we have met have such loving hearts, and welcome us with such enthusiasm and authenticity. Everyone waves hello, everyone smiles!! We could learn so much from the Ghanaians in the U.S.
Please continue to pray for our efforts in serving the wonderful people in Ghana. Praise God for what He has already accomplished, and will accomplish through us. Pray for our families, especially for Stephani and Emily while we are away. Thank you so much for your thoughts, your support and especially your prayers…we DO feel them and appreciate them. Love you, Mark (also called Kojo).

Chad’s “Thots”:

From singing songs with my Ghanaian brothers to giving health care talks all day long to a thousand kids in 90 minutes getting adjusted, this trip is amazing. The desire everyone has to be adjusted is immense. With the quick smile and welcoming handshake you are greeted with all day long, you cannot help but feel welcome and part of the family. God is certainly blessing the people of Koforidua and us as well.

It is strange feeling at home in one sense, but not being with my family. It causes me to miss them even more and hop on a plane home. I guess the feeling of “home” here causes me to want to be home with my family. Love you Kate, Allie and Harrison.

We have seen over 3,000 people in two full days of work. That is what I saw in 9 days of adjusting the last time I was here. What a blessing to see many of the people I saw last time who had miraculous healings walking in and sharing with me how their life has radically changed. Truly moving!

The word is certainly getting out about chiropractic and the positive benefits of wellness care.

1 comment:

Bill Dolack said...

Great stories... can't wait to see the pictures!